Interview with Larry Kenney

Larry Kenney is an American radio personality who was a regular on Imus In The Morning. He is most famous in the States for being the voice of Sonny the Cuckoo Bird and worldwide as Lion-O from the cartoon Thundercats.
Interview conducted 1st September 2002
- Larry you’ve been in the entertainment business for 40 years, what would you say has been the happiest point in your career?
- I’ve heard that you do Elvis Presley impressions. Can you sing like him as well?
- How big is Thundercats in the USA?
- There was so much merchandise ‘back then’. Did you collect any of it?
- When you sign autographs do you sign pictures of yourself or Lion-O?
- Thundercats often had morals to each programme as they were trying to teach children as well as entertain them. Due to this there were a lot of cheesy lines. Did you ever look at the script and go “What the hell…”?
- Being morally and therefore politically correct, there must have been a gay Thundercat. Which one was it?
- Do you come to Britain often?
- If the creators wanted to bring back Thundercats and they once again approached you to do Lion-O, would you?
- What happens if they wanted to re-invent it and, like so many nostalgic things, do an X rated episode. Would you be prepared to take part?
- Did Cheetara ever give you the horn?
- Was the actress who played Cheetara, sexy in real life?
- Do you ever go out and get recognised by your voice?
- If you’re feeling down one day do you go out and put on one your famous voices to get attention?
- When did you meet your wife?
- When your son was younger did you ever used to show him Thundercats?
- How does it feel to walk down the street or for someone to say your name and not be known, however the character you play to be a celebrity in his own right?
- How did you find out that you had this talent for creating all your voices?
- What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve done to get a job?
- Famously around the Internet there are outtakes from the Thundercats recording sessions – THUNDERCATS OUTTAKES ARE PLAYED – We hear you lose your temper in these, so did you ever loose your temper with the cast? Did you hit anyone?
- Have you ever dressed up in a life size Lion-O costume for your wife?
- Can you sing the Thundercats theme tune?
- How do you relax?
- What do you see yourself doing this time in 10 years time?
- How did you get inside the mind of Lion-O and Jackleman? Did you analyse them?
- If there was to be a fight between He-Man and Lion-O, who do you think would win and why?
- How would you say you’ve contributed to the good of mankind?
- Can you please record an answering machine message for me?